Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lloyd Center: Great Figure Ice... On a Dance Session!!

The ice was quite beautiful at the Lloyd Center this morning - especially for figures... but it was a Dance Session! I apologize to any dancers that were annoyed by my random figure-making and hope that it wasn't too annoying. Only one week left before the competition and so I guess I'm a little excited. One of the other competitors remarked that she wished they were using the LC rink for the figures competition because it is so nice and flat and when the ice is maintained the figures just work so well! Oh well, hopefully things will go well at Sherwood next weekend!!

I called Valley to see if they had any public sessions this morning (sometimes they will throw in a random public when there isn't hockey) but they had cancelled all public sessions today because of a hockey tournament. Oh well, maybe some other time!

So the ice for the dance session was very good and the session was pretty sparsely populated. this makes it easier to skate the dances because with the smallness of the rink, and lots of dancers, it can get pretty hectic and at time, dangerous - you always have to look out for where you are going!!

I like the current attitude of the zamboni-people and office staff there - they seem to be bending over backwards to keep the ice-dancers (and us figures-skaters) happy! Whoppee!!

1 comment:

HipSk8 said...

I agree the staff at Lloyd Center is the friendliest and always nice to adults and dancers. Yay! Terri