Whew - I am exhausted from the weekend of skating and judging at the competition at Sherwood this weekend!!!
The figure event went okay - a little bit of a meltdown on the serpentines (of all things) when I almost fell and then kind of scuttled across the change of edge sideways - of course that never happened during practice - I wonder if it was something on the ice (actually that's kind of what it felt like...).
The ice was okay for figures - maybe a little "crunchy" but I didn't notice it while I was skating the figures for the judges - I noticed it more on the warm-up where my senses were a little more heightened than usual (endorphins? nerves?). I don't think my blade fell into my tracings because frankly, I don't think they were that close... hmm, maybe that's why I almost fell.
The 3s - I know I haven't talked about my skating much specifically in this blog, but I have to say that I outdid myself in the 3s - I was somehow able to do the BI3 with as much flow as I ever did in practice - maybe more - it was an exhilarating feeling, that is for sure - yea me!!
The events went very well, everyone worked hard and the out-of-towners seemed happy for the most part I think. The locker rooms were quite clean, also I noticed, which is nice.
My husband had one small observation about the people working the snack bar on Friday night during practice. He ordered a cup of tea and it was pretty obvious that the person who waited on him had no idea how to make it. Seems simple enough to me - pour boiling water over tea, but apparently this task left this person quite perplexed. Not a complaint, just an observation.
I wanted to include this little video that the "skatecam" ("spycam") made of my FO-BI3. Sorry it's so small. She wanted to come out on the ice to do the video but felt that the judges and the referee would not appreciate that.
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