After seeing this video I now know that I cannot wear this hat or this sweatshirt for the competition! And it's true that video will make you look 10 pounds heavier... I cannot say whether it makes me look slow or not - seeing as this is figures and all... I also can say that after a brief session with my coach after this was filmed, my technique is now 1000% more correct!
Gearing up for this weekend's competition brings more skaters, coaches and general activity around the Sherwood rink. Went to the 9:30 public, expecting near-empty ice and found more people that I expected!! Dancers having final lessons before their competition, other "figures" skaters, a lesson, a young ice-dancer and a few recreational skaters made for an interesting and congenial group on the Sherwood ice today.
The ice was not resurfaced before the public, although they offered to do it if we were going to do figures. But there was some clean ice available for me and rather than taking the time to make the ice, we were excited to get out there for what might be my final lesson before the competition!
The ice is so much better than Valley (there, I said it!!) - BUT not as flat as Lloyd Center. I could feel like up-and-down hill thing a little bit, which I hope they can fix by this weekend. It wasn't so bad that I had trouble getting back to my centers or anything because of going uphill (there are probably other problems for me getting back to the center!) Also the ice was a little crunchy again so my edges made a little "snow" and if I got right on my previous tracing, I might fall into it a bit and get stuck!! Oh well, not bad for the price of admission as they say.
They were doing some general maintenance things today so you had to be careful not to run into equipment on the ice, BUT it was nice to see someone cleaning hockey-puck-marks off of the surface of the walls, etc. - the place is going to look really nice for all of our out-0f-town competitors, coaches and officials, which is really great!!
Decided to not risk the chance of hilly and possibly rutted ice this week at Valley and so will plan to go to Lloyd Center tomorrow (much closer to my house) and then back to Sherwood on Thursday for another, final lesson - or at least a quick look by my coach.
Getting closer!!