Ha! I knew this would get your attention!! (Really, I had been asked by one reader to include more confirmable gossip - and then that made me wonder - if it is confirmable, is it really gossip?).
I went there today not expecting much. BUT they apparently got a new blade for the zam (aren't they always buying new blades? How long do those things last anyway? Doesn't seem like very long between them having to get a new blade) and the surface of the ice was markedly better with fewer ruts and ridges and zamboni-water lines, etc. (although there was still that one big long line down the left-hand side of the rink - but still).
So at first it seemed okay - but THEN I really really noticed the hills - they are everywhere! If you start standing still between the middle red line and the far blue line and point towards the zamboni-room door, you don't have to push AT ALL and you will go downhill into the zamboni door. It is hilarious. Then when you get to the zamboni door you can make a right-angle right-hand turn and try to make your way up the hill next to the boards to the corner opposite the zam door.
The hockey-goal-boxes are still the worse part - doing a dance pattern which invariably goes into those hockey boxes is impossible - you feel like you are being pushed from behind and then you can't get back up the hill to do the restart. I'm wondering if it is easier with a partner - at least you have someone to hold onto when you feel like you are losing it!!
I have heard that the freestyle skaters are having trouble doing their programs because the jumps are often placed in the corners - they can do the jumps as individual elements in the middle of the ice (easier for loops and salchows and axels I suppose because of how those jumps are shaped - with a flip I would want some power coming into the jump by stroking up the long side first - [of course now that would be known as telegraphing - glad I don't freestyle anymore!!]) and the lutz is generally done headed into the corner but of course you don't have to do it that way) but when it comes to doing their programs the uneveness of the ice is wreaking havoc on the skaters, but I digress.
Okay the rumor is that the manager aparently said they were going to take the ice down in AUGUST and start all over. That's 4 months from now - I don't know if I can wait that long, really.
Can you?
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