You don't want to work.
You don't want to blog.
I have the flu and have not been doing much. Bummer. It has been a few years since I've been sick and now I am wondering what it feels like to be normal.
I did get some photos for the blog from the elusive "Skatecam" - ice at Valley this morning was quite beautiful and apparently, pretty empty:

I don't know how they play hockey in there - you really cannot see the lines - makes me wonder what the refs do when they have to make a call... "Um, well, I THINK you were over the line..." (Line, what line?).
I was thinking we need a web feed from all of the rinks so we can see the conditions/crowdedness at any time during the day. The security cameras at Lloyd Center could pick that up easily...
Will have to make friends with someone in the security office over there...
Happy skating everyone! And be well!
Sorry you are under the weather!
I decided not to test Moves at Valley in June because I really need some lines as a reference.
I pointed out to someone the other day that if we all had Star Trek transporters we could have very efficient use of ice as we would teleport to whatever rink was least crowded anywhere in the world! :-)
Those transporters would certainly save on gas/time, etc.
Yeah, the lines are bad, but you can still see them... sort of... you might want to try Mt. View in July?
Yes, that's my plan.
Lisa -
Hope you are on the mend, it's no fun to be sick.
Here's the early AM Lloyd Center report! George and I were there (and that's about it, a couple of kids who left for school, then just us).
Ice was OK, a little bit brittle for LC and a few bumps. I tool your advice and Gordon's and did figures today - loops. Hopefully the zamboni has covered them up by now, they were truly awful. George did what looked like some nice brackets and some figures at the end which looked round and lined up but I'm not sure what they were.
The sunlight was streaming in and it was very pleasant to have the ice so empty, even if it wasn't totally "like buttah" today.
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